Forensic Faith Pt. 2: Thinking outside the Box

On October 19th, Valley Bible Church hosted former LAPD homicide detective J. Warner Wallace,  as he presented “Forensic Faith”- a reasoned approach to discussing the historical truths of the gospel. The following article is part of a series of reflections and applications of the contents of Wallace’s presentation.
For more resources visit the
“Cold Case Christianity” website.

Life inside the Box 

Space. Matter. Time. Energy. Some people use those terms to summarize the essential components of reality. In their view, and in the absence of a divine Creator, that’s all there can ever be. That’s life inside the box. Anything that appears in the “box” of the universe must be reducible to those things. Things start to get bumpy however if we encounter things that can’t be explained with those basic material components: 

  • What existed “before” time?

  • Where did the universe come from?

  • Why do the universe, solar system, and Earth itself seem fine-tuned for life?

  • How does lifeless matter come to life?

  • How does consciousness (mind) come about from thoughtless matter?

  • How can mechanical forces produce free will?

  • Where does morality come from if everything just “is what it is”?

  • Why is the awareness of evil and injustice universal?

These and other related issues tug at humanity’s mental trouser leg like an insistent puppy: they can be ignored, but not forgotten. 

Thinking Outside the Box

The story of reality told in the Bible presents a comprehensive (it answers all the big questions) and cohesive (the pieces fit together) explanation for the questions that intrude from outside the box of space, time, matter, energy-only thinking:

God enters the Box

Not merely a diagnostic tool, the Bible presents one big story that points to an amazing fact: In a tiny town in the ancient Near East, the Eternal Son who was with the Eternal Father, entered into human history to rescue rebellious humans from death and bring us into a family relationship with the Father through the personal presence of the Eternal Spirit. (Galatians 4:4, John 1:12,) The interpersonal trust that was broken in the Garden of Eden is now placed in the sinless death and resurrection of Jesus on the Cross. We who place our trust in Jesus are given new life by the Spirit who seals us with the guarantee of Eternal life (Ephesians 1:13-14), the very life of God. As adopted co-heirs with Christ (Titus 3:7, Romans 8:17), we increasingly resemble Him (Romans 8:29) and become agents of healing, restoration, hope, joy, and peace in the midst of a death-cursed world (Galatians 5:19-25). 

For Reflection:

  1. Could anyone ever rightly accuse you of being a “practical atheist”? Are there parts of your life where you behave as if only matter and energy are real? Are there parts of your life where you get to make up the rules of right and wrong apart from God’s perspective?

  2. questions” that can’t be answered inside the “box” prepare you to understand and address the deepest needs of your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers?

  3. How might understanding the “big questions” that can’t be answered inside the “box” prepare you to understand and address the deepest needs of your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers?

Author: Nathan Baird, Pastor of Discipleship & Development

Nathan Baird